My greatest hope is that when you speak of me - you speak to the woman
who mothered your three sons.
And not just the woman who left you.
My hope is that you realize that your words of me will not shape their minds of who I am.
Rather, it shapes how they will speak of and treat every woman who enters their lives.
They watch, listen and repeat.
My greatest hope is that the man in their lives will teach them how to
be in their sorrow and to start over again.
That they learn how to be with their pain and not just transfer it onto another.
That they learn how to love and accept ALL of themselves and to not just
skim past the parts they do not want to feel.
My hope is that they learn to pause and look back to reflect so
that they can SEE what they brought to the picture of life.
My hope is that you teach them to love by showing them how you love yourself.
That you teach them respect by how you respect yourself.
That you teach them worth by how much you value yourself.
That you teach them to be present with themselves and another.
My greatest hope is that the boys you are raising can love, respect, value and
act worthy of the life that they are here to live.
And that when they are ready... they will one day share that with another.
My greatest hope is that our sons come to know that they will never "own another".
But what they can own are the feelings and emotions inside of them.
They can own the vibes they emit out into this world.
That what they can truly own and value already lives inside of them.
I dream that they will remember the magic they were born with.
My ultimate hope is that we both reach this place.
A place where we can let go of our blame game and see a larger picture.
A place where we can stand in awe of the three beautiful souls we brought to earth.
A place where we can see past ourselves and simply honor each of our
sons and their unique journey and not just our own.
My ultimate hope is that we each find a joy within ourselves that we
couldn't find when we were together.
That we teach them sometimes life looks like it is coming apart before
it comes FULLY back together again.
More than anything I want my sons to love life and create the a life they desire.
I started writing this for you.
I wanted you to know that what you do with your hurt will impact another.
I feared your hurt would spill onto our sons.
Hurt is a place that few of us visit long enough to plant seeds of love.
Hurt is a place that we both tried to avoid and just ended up in destruction.
Now.... I can see that these words began for you... BUT really, they are for me.
My greatest hope is that my sons see a woman who chose to see her hurt,
feel her hurt and heal her hurt.
I hope they one day my sons will forgive me for the hurt that came with my choice to
dismantle our family.
The last thing we ever want to do is hurt another.
Sadly, until we heal our own wounds they always impact another and sometimes hurt becomes inevitable.
I hope that when my sons speak of me they will remember, I tried my best to plant seeds of love beside the hurt.