Of course.
There is a fight still happening.
This place inside that struggles and defends.
I know this dance so well
My uprise is fierce. Vicious at times.
The battle is immediate.
So fast that all logic seems lost.
My protective sea has isolated me beautifully
Keeping all of my LONE treasure in tact.
Fuck. The idea of union terrifies me.
My history screams and overrides any remote possibility
The screams of taken soul, diminished soul, lost soul.
All of this still lives within my protection. My uprise.
This time
This soul
This fight
I’m done.
They didn’t teach me that my fire could serve me.
Until now, I have only known to spit my fire and to stay guarded.
This time feels different
My heart, my soul, both know this is safe. My history, my stories- they need to burn.
This inferno. These walls. They feels like many lifetimes.
My walls.
My walls are here to oversee that everything which needs to burn, burns.
I’m not gonna lie. It’s been dark. It’s been intense and its been as hot as hell.
I decided that I didn't want to fight, so I needed to take back my fire.
~ Ange Arbuckle